donderdag 20 januari 2011

Blog With A Substace/ I Love Your Blog Awards!

The lovely Bellejoie from j'adoreLacquer gave me these 2 awards!

1. Thank and link back to the giver of the award. (thanks hon!)
2. Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience using 5 words: 
Without nailart i'm no one! *ehm one word to much?:P*
3. Pass it on to other bloggers that you feel have substance in their blogs.
*scroll down for the list bloggers*

The rules are: copy the picture, answer the questions and send it to your favorite blogs!

1. Why did you make this blog?
I started with my own website, after a while I wanted to do more, I wanted to show more and place my thoughts about some nailpolishes, I dind't have the room on that site, so I started this blog to share my opinion with the world. The website is still excisting, but is only used for all the pictures with nailart I made since i started with it.

2. What kind of blogs do you read?
Mostly nailpolish blogs, a few beauty/fashionblogs, and some personalblogs. But mostly nailpolishblogs!

3. Do you have a favorite make-up brand?
Not really, I am a make-up user, but I use almost everything.

4. What about the favorite clothing brand?
Haha this one is the same as make-up, I wear almost everything, i don't like to buy a jeans which cost a lot while I can buy a much cheaper jeans somewhere else.

5. What piece in you make-up bag is the most important to you?
I think my mascara, I always use mascara (and eyepencil, but when i've got to choose, I pick my mascara!)

6. Your favorite color?
Lilac/Purple for the win!
7. Favorite perfume?
Eh I don't use every day the same perfume, so I don't have a favorite perfume.

8. Your favorite movie?
I really love the twilight saga, those movies are made awesome :) Also i'm in for a good horrormovie!

9. What countries would you like to visit?
I wish I will go back to Miami someday, it's so beautiful there! I would love to visit Australia too! (ehm yes australia isn't a country, but i don't know which country in Australia I want to visit!)

These 2 tags are for the next bloggers:

- Sweet Hippos *ik vind het echt gaaf hoeveel moeite jullie 2 doen voor jullie blog!*
- Crystaliciousss *my favorite blog since it started!* 
- Polishsis * I love the way you write your blog, full with humor!*
- Cherryfizz *Omdat dit een blog is met échte inhoud!*

Thank you for both awards Bellejoie!


4 opmerkingen:

  1. Super bedankt Sylvia, Ik ben de laatste tijd een paar keer getagt dus ik moet er maar snel een post aan wijden, anders staat het zo ondankbaar :-s
    En ik lig blauw omdat je zegt dat je vind dat ik met humor schrijf, ik vind zelf juist dat ik op mn blog véél netter, braver en rustiger overkom dan ik in t echt ben. In 't echt ben ik erg van de grove humor en ik wil op mn blog juist niemand tegen de schenen schoppen!

  2. @ Inge,

    Haha je schrijft wel in beschaafd humor, je hebt een hele leuke stijl qua schrijven ;)! Ik ben zelf ook iemand die zich heel erg moet inhouden, in real life ben ik ook een stuk grover :P!

  3. Congratulations!! You have an award on my blog as well!! :0)

  4. Och meid, wat lief dat je ons zo vaak tagt! <3 We vinden het een groot compliment dat je ons een 'blog with a substance' vind ;)


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