Most of you know what Konad is and what you can do with Konad. For stamping, Konad has their own stamping polishes. Today I'm going to show you all of the stamping polishes from Konad.

The stampingpolishes are in 3 different sizes, the biggest is above 12 ml polishes. As you can see there are 17 stamping polishes in 12 ml size. If you enlarge the pic (just click on it) you can clearly see the names of the polishes, now you can see easily which polish you have. Above you can see a little circle through Gold Black, this means I've got that polish.

Up next there are the 11 ml polishes. The above polishes. From the 11 ml polishes there are 30 bottles, much more choice than the 12 ml polishes. You can enlarge the pic to read the names better. There is a circle through White/Green and Red, I've got these 3 polishes.

And Last but not least, the minisize bottles. These stampingpolishes are each 5 ml and there are 30 colours, just like the 11 ml polishes. Here you can enlarge the pic too, to read the names better. From the minisize bottles I've got White/Red/Black (Woeps forgot to cirkle) and Blue. The white and red ones are almost finished, so that's the reason I've got those 2 as a back up in a larger size. If you just start with Konad I advise to purchase a minibottle, just to try it out. When you are a real Konaduser, I advise to purchase one of the bigger bottles because the minibottles are really soon finished.

And very last a picture of all the 12 ml and 11 ml bottles. You can use this one to mark your own bottles.
Om even wat duidelijkheid te geven, al deze afbeeldingen komen uit een minigids van Konad zelf, ik heb deze afbeeldingen gescand uit deze gids dus komen niet van internet. Konad stempellakjes kun je o.a. verkrijgen op: .
To be clear with you, all images are from a mini Konadguidebook, I scanned the images from the guidebook, so they're not from the internet. You can purchase Konad Stampingpolishes o.a. by: .
Genoeg keuze dus!
BeantwoordenVerwijderen^ Haha idd! Maar altijd handig om even een overzichtje van kleurtjes te hebben he!